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First Appearance: It Appears in the design document in 1985

Antivirus is Software you can create in-game. It requires a 2D Editor to be created. Also, it's dependent on an Operating System.

Feature Description Dependencies Unlock Year
File Scan 1985
User interface Make it easy for the user to manage their virus handling. 2D Editor: Pixel manipulation 1985
Firewall Operating System: Networking 1992
Background scan Scan for viruses in the background causing hilarious file locks randomly. Antivirus: File scan

Operating System: Multithreading

Mail scan There's always room for enlargement. Operating System: Networking 1985
Virus database Automagically keep your user's virus definitions up to date. Operating System: Networking 1991

Raw Source

<source lang="xml">
    <Software Name="Antivirus">
        <Description>Protecting computers from digital troublemakers since it became profitable to do so.</Description>
            <Feature Name="File scan">
                <Name>File scan</Name>
            <Feature Name="Firewall">
            <Feature Name="Background scan">
                <Name>Background scan</Name>
                <Description>Scan for viruses in the background causing hilarious file locks randomly</Description>
            <Feature Name="Mail scan">
                <Name>Mail scan</Name>
                <Description>There's always room for enlargement</Description>
            <Feature Name="Virus database">
                <Name>Virus database</Name>
                <Description>Automagically keep your user's virus definitions up to date</Description>