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A good grasp of Unity3D programming is required.
A good grasp of Unity3D programming is required.
To create your own mod start a .NET project targeted at the .NET 3.5 profile. Note that you might want to compile your mod with the mono compiler to enable cross platform support.
To create your own mod start a .NET project targeted at the .NET 3.5 profile.  
Add a reference to the following libraries:
Add a reference to the following libraries:

Revision as of 04:27, 14 April 2016

Modding in Software Inc. is completely data driven. Software Inc. loads XML files found in the "Mods" folder of the root of the game when it launches.

A mod should be placed in its own folder in the "Mods" folder and can optionally contain each of the following folders: "Companies", "CompanyTypes", "Events", "NameGenerators", "Scenarios" and "SoftwareTypes".

The root of your mod can additionally include a Personalities.xml file to add new personalities to the game.

In-game content

This is a zip of the software types, company types, name generators and personality types in the game:

File - 23 KB

Updated as of Alpha 8.6.1

Alpha 8 changes

Needs are no longer needed, but will be inferred from feature dependencies.

Feature dependencies should no longer be in a separate tag, and you can completely omit the "Dependencies" tag from features without dependencies.

You can now have multiple SoftwareCategory tags for features, to limit them to more than one software category, with individual unlock dates, use "0" for no unlock date.


<Feature Vital="TRUE">
	<Description>Let your users pretend they can multitask by having several applications open at any one time.</Description>
	<SoftwareCategory Category="Computer">0</SoftwareCategory>
	<SoftwareCategory Category="Console">2000</SoftwareCategory>
	<SoftwareCategory Category="Phone">2000</SoftwareCategory>
	<Dependency Software="Operating System">Multithreading</Dependency>
	<Dependency Software="Operating System">Example</Dependency>

Software types

Software types are the types of software you can choose to develop in Software Inc. in the design document window. Software types can be added to the game by creating an XML file in the "SoftwareTypes" folder.


A software type XML file should contain the following tags:

SoftwareType This is the root tag, which all tags should be a child to. If this tag has the attribute Override="True", all tags are optional and will override the content of a software type by the same name. You can use this to override some values of the built-in software types. Note that if you override the Features tag, you will delete all features from the software type.
Name The name of the software as it will appear in dropdown lists, etc.
Delete Optional tag which deletes the software type from the game, if it is set to TRUE
Category How the field of the software will be referred to in articles, e.g. games are categorized as "Gaming"
Categories The categories for the software type. Can be omitted.
Description The contents of the tooltip that will appear when hovering over the software type in the dropdown menu in the design document window.
Unlock Which year this software type will unlock, e.g. <Unlock>1995</Unlock>
Random How much sales will vary. When a product is released, a random number is chosen and it is weighted using this number, and it will be multiplied for all sales. As an example, for games it is 0.5, since you can't count on good sales for a game, but for operating systems, it is 0, since they are generally in demand and necessary for a computer to work, so sales won't vary that much.
Popularity How popular a software type is, which limits the maximum amount of income. Computer operating systems have 1 and Role Playing Games have 0.6. (Ignored if software type has categories defined)
Retention How long people will use the product, should be between 0 and 1, not including 1. Computer operating systems have 0.9 and Role Playing Games have 0.7. (Ignored if software type has categories defined)
Iterative How likely AI companies are to develop sequels for this type of software, between 0 and 1. (Ignored if software type has categories defined)
OSSpecific Whether you need to choose an operating system for this software.
OneClient Whether this software is for contract work. This does not currently work as expected, so you should probably avoid setting this to TRUE.
InHouse Whether you can lock this software to your own company. This makes sense for game engines, but not for games for example.
NameGenerator The name generator to use for simulated companies or for when the player clicks the name button in the design document. (Will be used for all software categories which don't have one defined)
OSLimit If this software is OSSpecific, you can use this tag to limit the software to a specific operating system category.
Features All features that this software can implement.


	<Name>Test Software</Name>
	<Description>This is part of a test mod. If you develop a perfect version, 50% of the population will want it, but 10% might randomly not want it.</Description>
		<Category Name="Test category">
			<Description>This is a test category</Description>
		<Feature Forced="TRUE">
			<Name>Test feat 1</Name>
			<Description>This feature will always be selected unless superseded by a feature with this as "From".</Description>
		<Feature From="Test feat 1">
			<Name>Test feat 2</Name>
			<Description>This feature takes 6 months to make and has 4/6 Usability.</Description>
			<Dependency Software="Visual Tool">Image viewing</Dependency>
			<Name>Test feat 3</Name>
			<Description>This feature takes just as many artists as programmers and offers no stability.</Description>
			<Dependency Software="Test Software">Test feat 2</Dependency>
			<SoftwareCategory Category="Test category">1983</SoftwareCategory>


Features are defined in the Feature tag of Software types. Optinally a base.xml file can be placed in the "SoftwareTypes" folder with feature definitions, which will then be added to all software. If the root tag of the base.xml file contains the attribute Override = "TRUE", it will remove any base features already defined, this would remove the built-in QA feature for example.


From Use this attribute to specify which other feature this feature supersedes. You can create a tree in this fashion where the features are mutually exclusive. An example could be how 24-bit audio supersedes 8-bit. All dependent features are also backwards compatible in this way. If you select 24-bit audio, all features depending on 8-bit will still work.
Forced Whether this feature is selected by default, the player won't be able to un-tick it, unless it is superseded by another feature. Each piece of software should have at least one forced feature, which will define a lower limit for development time.
Vital Whether this feature is seen as vital in the market. If a feature is vital, software which does not have it implemented upon release will be considered lower quality by consumers, e.g. the 3D feature for operating systems is vital, since you wouldn't expect an operating system to not have it after it has been invented and used.
Research This marks a feature as patentable, its royalty percent will be based around its vital status and development time compared to other researchable features in the same software type. The research attribute should specify which feature this features is part of. Researchable features must have an unlock date and other features in the same software type can not depend on it.


Feature This is the root tag, which all tags should be a child to. Add any attribute explained above to this tag.
Name The name of the feature as it will appear in feature panel in the design document window
Category An optional tag that controls which specialization a product belongs to. If it is omitted the feature will belong to the base skill level of a field, usually described as "General" in Software Inc. which is controlled by the employees main skill in a role. Otherwise the employees specialization skill will control how well, if at all, they work with this feature. This can be 2D, 3D, Network, etc. You can add new specializations to the game using this tag.
Description The contents of the tooltip that will appear when hovering over the feature in the design document window.
Unlock Which year this feature will unlock, e.g. <Unlock>1995</Unlock>. Specializations will unlock, when the first feature which uses it unlocks.
DevTime How many months it takes to develop this feature
Innovation, Usability, Stability These three tags are normalized, so you can put in any number. 3, 4 and 5 would result in 3/12, 4/12 and 5/12. Innovation controls how long the product will stay interesting to customers. Usability controls how well customers will like the product and in extension, your company. Stability controls bugs and how much skill your employees will gain from working on the feature.
CodeArt The coding to art balancing of the feature. 1 will mean this feature only requires programmers whereas 0 will mean it only requires artists.
Server How many mbps this feature will need per active user. It is scaled with time using the formula 1+log10(year-1969). MMO uses 0.002, which would be around 5 gbps at any given time for a 1 million user game in 2010, which might change in the future.
Dependency What features this feature depends on to be available, this can be features in the current product, features in other products or features in supported operating system. Note that operating system feature dependencies are taken as an intersection, so if a features relies on 3D in an operating system, ALL chosen operating systems must support 3D. A dependency should be defined as <Dependency Software="Operating System">3D</Dependency>. You can have multiple of these tags per feature
SoftwareCategory Optional tag that limits the feature to a certain software category of its parent software type. You need to specificy an unlock year here, which will override the other unlock tag. You can set the unlock year to 0 to not have an unlock date. You can add multiple of these tags per feature.

Software categories

Software categories are defined in the Categories tag of the software type XML file. Categories enable software specialization, e.g. OS/Console/Phone Operating systems. It is completely optional and a "Default" category will be used in case it is omitted from the software definition.


Category Name="X" This is the root tag, which all tags should be a child to. Use the name attribute to give the category a name.
Description What will be shown when hovering over the category in the design document
Unlock Which year this software category will unlock, e.g. <Unlock>1995</Unlock>
Popularity How popular a software category is, which limits the maximum amount of income. Computer operating systems have 1 and Role Playing Games have 0.6.
TimeScale How long it will take to make a product in this category compared to the base software type, should be between 0 and 1.
Retention How long people will use the product, should be between 0 and 1, not including 1. Computer operating systems have 0.9 and Role Playing Games have 0.7.
Iterative How likely AI companies are to develop sequels for this type of software.
NameGenerator The name generator to use for simulated companies or for when the player clicks the name button in the design document.

Name generators

The random name generator uses a tree like structure to generate random strings of words. Generators will be loaded from txt files located in the "NameGenerators" folder and their name will match their file names, minus ".txt". If you name a name generator the same thing as one of the built-in name generators, they will merge their nodes and words, you can use this to expand the words of a built-in name generator.


Here is an example of how a name generator can be structured in the text file:

, you

This would create a generator that can generate the strings:

  1. Hello
  2. Hi
  3. Hello.
  4. Hi.
  5. Hello, you
  6. Hi, you
  7. Hello, you.
  8. Hi, you.

It works by starting from the first node "start" (nodes are the ones with a hyphen in front of the name), it appends a random string from the list of strings below it (in this case there’s nothing to pick), it then picks a random node from the parenthesis of the current node (which can only be "base" in this case), and then it continues until it reaches the node stop. There is a limit to how far it will go, depending on how many nodes there are, to avoid an infinite loop.

Company types

Company types are the types of company that the game will simulate. If you don't define company types for your new software types, the software will not be released by the AI.

Removing companies

You can remove AI company types by adding a "delete.xml" file in the CompanyTypes folder, which includes a root tag containing a tags with the company types you want to remove, eg.

	<Type>Web CMS</Type>
	<Type>Financial CMS</Type>
	<Type>Workflow CMS</Type>


CompanyType This is the root tag, which all tags should be a child to.
Specialization The name/tag of the company type. If you pick a name of one of the built-in company types, you can override it. Note that this only works for Alpha 4.5+
Force Whether a company of this type should be created on the first day and be forced to launch software on the first day. It is currently only used to launch a Computer Operating System on day one: <Force>Operating System,Computer</Force>. Just omit the tag if you don't need it.
PerYear The chance of a company of this type being founded every year. All company types in Software Inc. has this set to 0.2, as it seems to work pretty well.
Min The minimum amount of companies of this type there has to be on the market at any given point in time. 1 for computer OS, 2 for games.
Max The maximum amount of companies of this type there has to be on the market at any given point in time. 3 for computer OS, 6 for games.
Types The types of products the company will release and how much effort they take. 1 means they can only work one product of that software type at any given time, 0.25 means they would be able to work on 4 of it at a time. Currently this is set to 1 for all company types in Software Inc. as going lower seems to spam the market. You can define a category for each type, otherwise a random will be chosen from the categories available from the software type.


		<Type Software="Audio Tool">1</Type>
		<Type Software="Visual Tool">1</Type>
		<Type Software="Antivirus">1</Type>
	<Specialization>Computer Operating Systems</Specialization>
	<Force>Operating System,Computer</Force>
		<Type Software="Operating System" Category="Computer">1</Type>


Scenarios can define the start conditions, goals and events in-game. A scenario type XML file should contain the following tags:

Tag name Description Example
Scenario This is the root tag, which all tags should be a child to.
Name The name of the scenario as shown in the game.
Money The available amounts of money at the game start.
Goals Goals define the "win" condition(s). There can be multiple goals, each defined its own Goal tag. Each goal can also have multiple conditions, separated by commas. Conditions are defined by their name followed by an argument. The only goals available at the moment are Money and Date.
<Goals><Goal>Money 200000,Date 6-1980</Goal><Goal>Money 2000000,Date 4-1988</Goal></Goals>
Years The available start years at the start of a new game.
Events Events are defined separately in the "Events" Folder. You can leave the tag empty to ignore it.
Simulation Whether the competition should be simulated. Relevant if you want the competition to be entirely controlled by your own events.
Trees(Optional) Whether to place trees in the world
MinFloor(Optional) The lowest floor the player can build on, between -1 and 9
MaxFloor(Optional) The lowest floor the player can build on, between 0 and 10
CanExpand(Optional) Whether the player can buy more plot.
ForceEnvironment(Optional) Whether the player should be forced to play in a specific environment. Between 0 and 3, for forest, city, tundra and desert.
StartingArea(Optional) What the players starting plot should be. Defined as x,y,width,height. Will be clamped to match game limits.

Example of a "scenario" file:

	<Name>Test scenario</Name>
		<Goal>Money 1337,Date 5-1995</Goal>
		<Goal>Money 1000000,Date 5-2012</Goal>


Nothing here yet


Nothing here yet


Personalities control employee traits(Leadership, aptitude and diligence) an inter office relationships. All employees have exactly 2 personality traits. All personalities will be merged with the pre-existing personalities in the game.


PersonalityGraph This is the root tag, which all tags should be a child to.
Personalities This tag should contain the list of personalities
Incompatibilities This tag should contain a list of personalities which cannot be mixed when picking employee personality.

Personalities and incompatibilities

Personality tags include:

Personality This is the root tag, which all tags should be a child to.
Name The personality's name as it appears in the game.
WorkLearn (Replaces Aptitude) Between -1 and 1, where -1 is hard working and 1 is easy learner.
Social (Replaces Leadership Between -1 and 1, where -1 is independent and 1 is social.
LazyStress (Replaces Diligence Between -1 and 1, where -1 is lazy and 1 is stressed.
Relationships This tag should contain a list how people with this personality feels about another personality, between -1 for bad and 1 for great. You only need to define this one-way, so if you already have a relationship with Stubborn defined for Short-tempered, you shouldn't also define it other way around. You can define relationships with personalities already in the game.

The Incompatibilities should contain a list of Incompatible tags, each with two Personality tags naming the two personalities which cannot exist in the same person.


				<Relation Name = "Extrovert">-0.5</Relation>
				<Relation Name = "TestPersonlity 2">1</Relation>
			<Name>TestPersonlity 2</Name>
			<Personality>TestPersonlity 2</Personality>

Modding with DLLs

As of Alpha 8.10 Software Inc. supports loading assemblies at runtime.

A good grasp of Unity3D programming is required.

To create your own mod start a .NET project targeted at the .NET 3.5 profile. Add a reference to the following libraries:

  • Software Inc_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll
  • Software Inc_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll
  • Software Inc_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll

Start by creating a class that implements the ModMeta interface, then implement as many classes that inherit from ModBehaviour as you want. Each ModBehaviour implementation will be instantiated once the mod is loaded.

When you're done, compile your mod and place it in the game's folder, in a subfolder called "DLLMods".

Here's an example of a mod that let's you change how many floors you can build on, complete with comments: Floor Mod

Here's a list of important entry points you can have a look at:

GameSettings.Instance This class contains most of the objects that manage the game
GameSettings.Instance.MyCompany The player's company
GameSettings.Instance.simulation Manages all companies and products
GameSettings.Instance.sRoomManager Manages rooms, furniture and room segments
GameSettings.Instance.sActorManager Manages employees and teams
SelectorController.Instance Manages selection
TimeOfDay.Instance Manages time
HUD.Instance Manages the main HUD and windows
HUD.Instance.ObjDB Contains all furniture and room segments
WindowManager Controls windows and has functions to create windows and GUI elements